is a process that involves studying tree-ring growth and tree-ring
dating in order to piece together a timeline of past events. These
events are marked by changes in climate throughout our history, which
are reflected in the size and coloration of tree-rings. Today’s
technology, combined with tedious work being carried out by scores
of persistent researchers, has allowed us to accurately date changes
in climate far into the past. In fact, dendrochronologists have gathered
data dating back nearly 9,000 years, all the way to 7,000 B.C.E.,
with help from the chronology created through studying and sampling
ancient bristlecone pine trees and their dead wood, which can, and
often does, remain intact for thousands of years, if left undisturbed
by the numerous researchers and hikers who visit the few sites where
these immaculate wonders exist and thrive. (Miller, 1995-2003)
by A.E. Douglass of the University of Arizona, this technique was
first implemented in the early part of the 20th century
by botanists, foresters, and archeologists. Douglass noticed that
during wet years, certain trees would produce wider rings than normal.
In drier years, the rings would be much more narrow. Tree rings are
created as new cells are produced starting at the beginning of the
growing season. These new cells become the lighter colored portion
of the wood when viewing a cross-section of a tree, and grow from
the cambium layer in between the layer of old wood from the previous
season and the outer bark of the tree. This separation of layers allows
for the rings to be easily counted and dated. (Miller, 1995-2003)
shown in the graphic below, the early-wood of a living tree is made
up of many cells with thin cell walls and large diameters, with a
lighter appearance in color, as aforementioned. The late-wood has
cells with thicker walls and smaller diameters, causing their color
to be darker.
University of Arizona's
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, 1999-2001
are several basic principles involved in dendrochronology. Arguably
the most important of these is the principle of cross-dating. This
process is completed by correlating the repeating patterns of rings
from the same tree with other trees from different places. To accomplish
this task, core samples must be extracted from several trees using
an increment borer or other sufficient instrument. These are used
to create what is referred to as a ‘living tree chronology.’
The next step requires taking more samples from dead trees in the
area, if any remain standing or, if fallen, have not decayed beyond
use. The purpose of this step is to extend the chronology back in
time further than the first recognizable dates of the youngest living
trees. Once an acceptable chronology has been established, the data
can be compared with wood specimens found in nearby locations in hopes
of finding overlapping sections of ring growth. Through this process,
dendrochronologists have been able to date wooden samples from early
civilizations that thrived before the advent of recorded history,
demonstrating the notion of 'chronology building,' which is frequently
utilized in this field. (Martinez, 1996)
illustration below shows two core samples taken from different trees.
Notice how the rings match up, showing a correlation between narrower
and wider rings (identified by the lines between samples). This allows
the core sample to be dated by the master chronology, if one already
exists for the area.
from the University of Arizona's Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
website, 1999-2001.
A second basic rule of dendrochronology is the uniformitarian principle,
which states that the same types of processes, physical and biological,
that tie current environmental trends and processes with current tree-ring
growth patterns must have also occurred and functioned throughout
history. Simply put, as originally coined by James Hutton in the year
1785, the present is the key to the past. However, through dendrochronology,
the inverse of this statement is also applicable, since this process
involves studying relationships between growth and climate change
in the past in order to find a better understanding of what the future
holds, which has proven to be very beneficial for predicting and managing
future environmental conditions. Calibrating tree-ring widths with
actual known rainfall records of the past creates precipitation reconstructions,
in the form of graphs. Since we have tree-ring samples that date back
much further than rainfall records, we can estimate the amount of
precipitation prior to the first recorded data based on the comparison
of the tree-ring widths with the amount of precipitation during a
certain year for which we have recorded information. (Grissino-Mayer,
important principle to the study of tree-ring dating involves limiting
factors. This principle states that rates of processes performed by
plants are inhibited by the most limiting primary environmental variable.
In certain arid and semiarid areas such as the White Mountains, home
to many bristlecone pines, the factor that is most limiting to plant
growth is often precipitation. Since trees rely on precipitation for
growth, and cannot grow faster than the amount of precipitation allows,
the width of tree-rings becomes a function of precipitation. Another
limiting factor is temperature, which in high latitudes, where the
growing season is shorter, is often the most limiting primary environmental
variable. Non-climatic factors, such as soil type, often act upon
the most limiting factor as well, sometimes compounding the effects
of the primary factor. (Grissino-Mayer, 1994-2003)
principle of ecological amplitude, also referred to as the principle
of sensitivity, affirms the idea that tree species are most sensitive
to environmental factors, such as temperature, precipitation, humidity,
and wind, when they exist at or near the latitudinal and elevational
limits of their range. This is an important principle of dendrochronology
because the trees that grow closest to these limits happen to be the
types that are most useful to dendrochronologists, due to their pronounced
and well-defined rings. A species that is broadly distributed and
may grow in many differing habitats, such as the ponderosa pine in
North America, is said to have a wide ecological amplitude. Conversely,
those species that exist in small numbers over a relatively restricted
area, such as the bristlecone pines of the White Mountains and other
areas with similar elevations and weather and soil conditions, are
said to have narrow ecological amplitudes. (Grissino-Mayer, 1994-2003)
The next principle involves site selection, which varies depending
on several environmental factors. The sites that have been found to
be most useful to dendrochronologists often occur near the limits
of a species’ range, and can be recognized and chosen based
on the stipulations that cause tree-ring series that occur due to
the environmental variable that is being studied. This means that
if one wanted to research the effects of prolonged drought on trees,
for instance, he or she would search for specimens in areas where
there is very limited rainfall, such as within a rain-shadow created
by mountain ranges or at the crests of mountains. If this researcher
were to obtain samples from trees growing in locations that typically
receive great amounts of rain and precipitation throughout each year,
the extracted cores most likely would not show tree-ring patterns
sensitive to drought, due to the lack of variation in precipitation
amounts and the occurrence of rainfall at close intervals. This principle
is very important to dendrochronologists because locating a specimen
that shows tree-ring series sensitive to the environmental factor
being examined becomes much easier and takes far less time than blindly
choosing random trees. This process of analyzing historical data and
range limits allows a researcher to find a tree whose ring series
will benefit the study quicker and more efficiently, saving time,
money, and frustration. (Grissino-Mayer, 1994-2003)
important aspect of dendrochronology, and many other sciences, that
ensures data to be accurate is the principle of replication. This
concept stresses that it is necessary to take several samples from
each tree that is studied, and also to extract samples from many trees
at the location being examined. This helps reduce human error and
the possibility of data being misconstrued, giving an inaccurate representation
of past climatic changes. Taking more than one core from a single
tree minimizes the amount of visible environmental signal, perhaps
in the form of scars or ring patterns, that is unwanted or unnecessary,
commonly called intra-tree variability. Sampling cores from
various trees in the given area where the research is being gathered
cuts down on noise, or information pertaining to impacts of
environmental factors that are not being researched in a particular
study. (Grissino-Mayer, 1994-2003)
last of the core aspects of dendrochronology is explained through
the principle of aggregate tree growth. This theory is expressed by
a complex equation that incorporates several variables relating to
environmental conditions over a period of time. The sum of these variables
produces a figure (R), which represents tree-ring growth in any given
year: R
= A + C + ΩD1 + ΩD2 + E In
this equation, adapted from the similar function on the website of
Henri Grissino-Mayer (©1994-2003), each variable indicated by
a letter should be followed by a sub-scripted 't,' indicating the
year number for which the equation is finding a sum. Year one would
be indicated with a '1,' year two with a '2,' and so on. The factors
that go into this equation are defined by the following: (A) represents
the age related growth trend, which is the result of what would be
considered normal aging processes over the lifetime of the species;
(C) corresponds to the climate that occurred during the year being
studied; (D1) symbolizes the disturbance factors which have occurred
within the particular area of the forest throughout the year; (D2)
stands for disturbance factors that have happened outside the forest
stand; and (E) represents random errors that have not yet been accounted
for by the other processes present in the function. The (Ω)
before both (D1) and (D2) will always be either a '0' or a '1,' depending
on whether or not disturbance factors actually occur, since in some
years they will be absent or not measurable. In order to gain the
most accurate data, the environmental signal that is the general focus
of the research, such as climate, should be maximized by minimizing
the other variables. For instance, in the event of studying changes
in climate, the variables of age related trends and internal and external
factors will inhibit normal tree growth and ring production, so they
should be minimized.
all trees are suitable for use in dendrochronology. There are certain
species that consistently produce rings that are easily countable,
and others whose rings are so small or not well defined that tree-ring
dating is nearly impossible. In the western United States, the Douglas-fir
is preferable to almost any other tree because of its concentric,
well defined rings, as shown below. The rings show sharp contrast
between early and late wood, making counting much easier. Douglas-firs
also grow over a very wide range, extending from Canada to Mexico.
This enables scientists to create large-scale climate reconstructions
over a large area. Ponderosa pines also grow over large ranges and
produce uniform, concentric circles, making them suitable for use
in dendrochronology. Oak is another preferred species, and is widely
used in Europe, where the longest tree-ring chronology in the world
was developed, dating about 10,000 years in length. This species is
especially useful due to the fact that missing and false rings are
very uncommon, so data is almost always an accurate reflection of
history. (Martinez, 1996)
of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research website, Martinez, 1996)
those species considered unsuitable for tree-ring dating are palm
trees, saguaro cactuses, and the majority of trees that do not grow
between 25 and 65 degrees latitude, where most of the world's dendrochronological
research takes place. As you can see in the image to the right, saguaro
cactuses do not produce annual rings, making dating of these large
cacti through tree-ring research impossible. Palm trees do not form
rings because their insides are made up of only primary xylem tissue,
and secondary tissue is necessary to the formation of rings. (Martinez,
of Arizona's Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research website, Martinez, 1996
integral part of tree-ring research is chronology building. This involves
comparing many different core samples taken from different trees close
to one another in hopes of finding overlapping patterns of growth.
Outer rings of long-dead trees can be compared with the inner rings
of living trees, extending the chronology past the lifetime of currently
living trees to find out about the climate variations prior to the
existence of younger trees in a stand. The figure above illustrates
how these chronologies are built. Through this process, dendrochronologists
have been able to build a chronology for the bristlecone pines that
extends back nearly 9,000 years, even though the eldest living trees
are only 4,000+ years old. (Miller, 1995-2003)

dendrochronology website, Miller, 1995-2003
Through dendrochronology, we have the ability to solve many problems
facing our world in the future, from somewhat insignificant to very
serious. Environmental problems facing our world are growing in number
and magnitude by the day, and it is important that we address these
issues and do what we can to create efficient and feasible solutions.
Analyzing tree-rings can tell us a great deal about the effects pollution
has on our environment. This knowledge will in-turn lead to the ability
to diagnose and hopefully treat and cure the effects of pollution
in its earliest stages – arguably the most important application
of dendrochronology to our future as inhabitants of the earth. There
has also been discussion about benefits to certain irrigation projects
through studying and identifying environmental polluters and the effects
they have on biota. (Miller, 1995-2003)
rings can be used to identify environmental variants that have slowed
or accelerated the growth process. Rings that are narrow and are close
together over a period of a few years tell us that growth was greatly
slowed during this time, and perhaps, if the specimen comes from a
coniferous tree, something occurred causing many needles to die, impeding
growth ability. Perhaps repeated storm damage or parasitic insects
caused growth to slow down, but more research is necessary before
one can come to these conclusions. (Martinez, 1996)
can also help us date natural disasters such as forest fires. A tree
with a core sample that is scarred by numerous burns can be examined
and dated in order to determine the exact years in which the fires
that left burn marks took place. This information is helpful to land
management agencies, such as the U.S. Forest Service and National
Park Service, in determining the natural succession of forest fires.
It has been discovered in the past few decades that forest fires naturally
occurred in practically every forest in the world prior to human intervention
in the past century. To restore natural succession within forests,
fire must be reintroduced. If it is not, however, then we face the
possibility of more intense, disastrous crown fires such as the fires
that swept through parts of Arizona, Colorado, and California during
the summer of 2002. Scientists at several universities across the
United States are already employing these techniques, and a few, such
as Professor Tom Swetnam, director of the University of Arizona Laboratory
of Tree-Ring Research, predicted the intense blazes of 2002 based
on dendrochronological studies. “I would say it wasn't ringing
bells or blowing whistles that this was going to be the worst one
we've ever seen, but it certainly called it as a season to watch out
for and likely to be much worse than average,” (Barber, 2002).
Once these patterns are more fully understood, fire management plans
can be developed that recommend prescribed burns at intervals similar
to those that occur in nature, effectively rejuvenating forest ecosystems.
(Martinez, 1996)
fact, these are only a few of the uses which dendrochronology provides
the scientific world. Others fields that utilize information gathered
through tree-ring research include, “climatology, hydrology,
anthropology, archeology, forest ecology, tree physiology, Quaternary
studies, geomorphology, geophysics, and geochemistry,” (Laboratory
of Tree-Ring Research, 1999-2001). Though the intricacies of this
field are foreign to most, the use of dendrochronology is growing
world-wide, and will likely be used even more over the next few centuries
as a tool of dating the past and predicting the future.
D.A. “Wildfire: Climate Scientists Foresaw Arizona Conflagrations.”
University of Arizona Report on Research: Institute for the Study
of Planet Earth.
Pages 16-18. © 2002.
Henri. “Principles of Dendrochronology.” The Ultimate
Tree-Ring Web
Pages. © 1994-2003. Website: . Last updated
May 16, 2003.
of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona. © 1999-2001.
Links visited: mission.html, dendrochronology.html. Last updated July,
2001. Martinez,
Lori. Laboratory of
Research, The University of Arizona. © 1996 Website:
. Links visited: apps.html, bad.html, basic.html, good.html. Last
updated February, 2000. Miller,
Leonard. “
The Ancient Bristlecone Pine. © 1995-2003. Website:
. Last updated January 1, 2003.